Adults with disabilities often face unique challenges when it comes to finding services that are accessible and meet their needs. In order to help these individuals find the necessary resources, it’s important to have an understanding of what services are available.
If you are an adult with a disability and want to know where you can turn for assistance, read on! In this article, we'll explore the different types of services for adults with disabilities; some common issues they might face when seeking those services; and advice on how to navigate the disability services system.
What Services Are Available for Adults with Disabilities?
There are a variety of services available, including resources for helping people with intellectual, learning, and physical disabilities. There are also many services designed to support the social and emotional well-being of adults with disabilities. Examples of these services include support groups, social work, and counseling.
Easterseals can help you or your loved one access support services for adults with learning disabilities, mental health services for adults with intellectual disabilities, and protective services for adults with disabilities. We also offer programs designed to strengthen skills and improve the quality of life for adults with disabilities, including:
- Homebased Waiver Services
- Inpatient Rehabilitation
- Independent Living Apartments
- Butler Adult Living Center
- Adult Training and Wellness Center
- Trainings and Consultations
- Post-Secondary Training and Education
- Job Training and Placement
- Artistic Realization Technologies
Our services for adults with disabilities have helped thousands of people improve their lives, their skills, and their quality of life as they work to achieve their dreams.
Common Issues Facing Adults with Disabilities when Accessing Services
Some common issues that may lead to difficulties accessing services include a lack of understanding of individuals’ needs, a lack of awareness of accessible services, social stigma, and financial issues resulting from low-paying jobs, low or no income, or a lack of accessible transportation. Some of the issues that may cause a delay or an outright denial of services include an unwillingness to look beyond the person’s physical appearance or the fact that they are cognitively or developmentally delayed.
If you feel that you are unable to access the help that you or your loved one need, contact Easterseals Arkansas. We can help–or help connect you with the appropriate resources for your specific circumstances.
If you’re interested in becoming an advocate for people with disabilities, there are many opportunities available.
Help Finding a Service Provider
Finding and hiring an appropriate service provider can be a challenging process for an adult with a disability. Programs aren’t always well advertised, especially those offered through the government.
Easterseals gives you a place to connect–both with the community and with your peers. We can help you build the skills you need to pursue the life you want. From independent living to job placement, we can help you achieve your goals and access the programs you need to succeed.
Help Finding a Job with Accommodations
If you’re looking for a job, you may find that the job listings are not designed to accommodate adults with disabilities. For example, some employers don’t list job openings that are accessible for people with disabilities, or they don’t include accommodations (e.g. modified interview questions, sign language/texting interpreters) that make the job accessible.
Easterseals offers post-secondary education and training as well as job skills training and placement with local businesses that have partnered directly with us. They are fully aware of the benefits of hiring people with disabilities, and we ensure that they have the proper accommodations in place before we send in our students.
If you need accommodations in your current job, but you’re having difficulty accessing them, contact Easterseals Arkansas. We’re happy to direct you to the appropriate resources. You are guaranteed reasonable accommodation for your disabilities by law under the ADA.
Help with Independent Living Skills and Activities
Many adults with disabilities may need assistance with independent living skills. These skills include tasks such as managing your finances, getting a driver’s license, managing your medications, managing your household, setting up an office space, or going grocery shopping.
At Easterseals Arkansas, we offer several options for independent living, including four apartment complexes in Little Rock for people with disabilities: Armistead Village, Wilson Court I, Wilson Court II, and Harold Court. Along with an on-site manager and laundry facility, our independent living facilities are all fully wheelchair accessible and designed to accommodate live-in aides. There are also scheduled social activities and community outings with your peers. ‘
The Butler Adult Living Center is a residential facility that works closely with our residents to help them–and their families–become more independent. With 24-hour supervision, training in self-care and ADLs, nursing and psychological services, and recreational activities, the Butler Adult Living Center is designed to prepare adults with disabilities for a more independent lifestyle.
Services for Adults with Disabilities in Central Arkansas
If you are an adult with a disability, you’ll have a much easier time finding appropriate services or resources if you know what to expect. Although it may be a difficult process, it is possible to find the right services for you. We know that every person with a disability is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.
Explore your options by contacting Eastersealas Arkansas today. We’re happy to help you find the programs that will most benefit you or your loved one. Our goal is to offer services for adults with disabilities that will help them live, safe, healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives.